• Aucun résultat trouvé


In North America, the geographic distribution of the fox squirrel closely matches those of temperate oceanic, temperate continental and subtropical humid forests; it is less frequently observed in mountain systems and avoids conifer-dominated boreal forests (Allen 1982, Tesky 1993, Patterson et al. 2003). When transposing this to the European forest types, one may consider that its establishment capacity is currently optimal for Atlantic, Black Sea, continental, Mediterranean, pannonian and steppic regions, suboptimal for the alpine areas in Central Europe and inadequate in boreal and alpine areas in Northern Europe (see figure 2). It is not excluded that the species may also establish in some forest ecosystems of the Baltic countries as they include temperate elements and broadleaved trees although included in the boreal bio-geographic area as defined by the European Environmental Agency.

Climate change may potentially facilitate the establishment of S. niger in the alpine and boreal bio-geographical regions of Europe as a consequence of the expansion of the distribution of acorn, mast and nut producing trees and an increase in tree functional diversity in those areas (Allen 1982, Nixon

& Hansen 1987, Thuillier et al. 2006, Lindner et al. 2010).

Figure 2 -

Identification of the bio-geographic regions at risk for the establishment of S.

niger in Europe based on eco-climatic preferences extrapolated from distribution in its native range.


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