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Equipartition of the energy

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From equation D.21, we can obtain very simplyKpp


To make the connection with the equipartition of the energy, we only need to have the timet= 0. Then: If we come back to the equationD.6, we have:


which making the connexion with the PIM expression [17,18] gives us:

1 The fact that from a time-independent quantity, we have access with PIM to the equipartition energy is very important because this will allow us to check the con-vergence of our simulation.

Eckart transformation

We have used the Eckart procedure [74] to remove the effects of rigid translations and rotations on the system for our IR sepctra calculations. Power spectra obtained from MD simulations of finite molecular systems are dominated by the very broad zero frequency peak arising from the global translation and rotation of the molecule.

To isolate the relevant vibrational modes, the contribution of these modes must be eliminated from the signal. This is done via the so-called Eckhart transformation.

In this scheme, commonly applied in single trajectories calculations, the coordinate system is changed so as to employ a reference frame in which the total linear and angular momentum are zero. In our method, in which more than one trajectory is needed to compute the approximate correlation function, this change in coordinates is applied – after sampling of the initial conditions – to each member of the ensemble.

The overall transformation is performed in two steps: first a change in variables to the centre of mass system is considered, and then the momenta are transformed to obtain zero total angular momentum. To describe these steps, let us introduce the following notation. The initial coordinates and momentum of atom i in the molecule are indicated asr(i)ν andp(i). The vectors after the first and second transformation are denoted with a single and double prime, respectively. Let us begin by going to the reference frame of the centre of mass:

r0ν(i)=r(i)ν − PNa


Mtot (E.1)

p0(i)=p(i)− PNa


Mtot (E.2)

whereNa is the number of atoms in the molecule, mj the mass of the atom j and Mtot =PNa

j=1mj the total mass of the molecule. In this reference system, the total angular momentum (in general non-zero) is:





r0ν(i)×p0(i) (E.3)

To obtain zero angular momentum, we perform the so-called rotation correction to the momenta:

p00(i) =p0(i)−ω×mir0ν(i) (E.4)

In the above expression, the angular velocity ω is unknown and is determined by imposing the condition:

L0 =




r0ν(i)×p00(i)= 0 (E.5)

L0 is the new total angular momentum. Substituting equation E.4 in equation E.5 and using the properties of the vector product, the condition of zero angular momentum can be recast as:

L0 =L−Iω (E.6)

where I = P



is the tensor of inertia of the molecule. The equationE.6 can now be solved forω to obtain:

ω=I−1L (E.7)

giving us the last ingredient to perform the Eckhart transformation.

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