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Coopération médecin généraliste / acteur du champ de la santé mentale Base PsycInfo

Recommandations, Conférences de consensus Janv 05

Juil. 15

6 Etape


(primary care OR primary health care OR primary healthcare OR family practice OR family physician* OR general practice OR general practitioner*

OR GP OR GPs)/ti,ab OR (Primary Health Care OR Family Physicians)/de AND

Etape 29

(collaborat* OR coordinat* OR cooperat* OR co operat* OR shared care OR shared management OR shared strateg* OR joint care OR joint

management OR joint strateg* OR joint working OR partnership OR partner*

OR team* OR multimodalit* OR multidisciplinary OR interdisciplinary OR interprofessional OR synerg* OR transition* OR transfer* OR continuum OR care continuity OR continuity care)/ti OR Continuum of Care/de OR (delegat*

OR skill mix OR care bundle* OR bundle care OR care management program* OR care model* OR care pathway* OR care protocol* OR care strateg* OR chronic disease care OR chronic care model* OR chronic disease model* OR chronic illness care OR chronic illness model* OR clinical model* OR clinical pathway* OR clinical protocol* OR clinical strateg*

OR critical pathway* OR critical protocol* OR disease management)/ti OR (Disease Management OR Long Term Care)/de OR (integrat* OR

management model* OR management strateg* OR healthcare organization OR healthcare organisation)/ti OR (Integrated Services OR Treatment Planning)/de OR (patient* centered OR patient* centred OR person*

centered OR person* centred OR Case Management)/ti OR Case Management/de


Etape 30

(psychiatrist* OR psychologist* OR psychotherapist* OR psycho therapist*

OR psychoanalyst* OR psycho analyst*)/ti,ab OR (Psychiatry OR Community Mental Health Centers)/de OR (psychiatric practice OR psychiatric specialist* OR psychiatric professional* OR psychiatric nurse*

OR psychiatric counselor* OR psychiatric counseling OR psychiatric counsellor* OR psychiatric counselling OR psychiatric clinic* OR psychiatric hospital* OR psychiatric setting* OR psychiatric institution* OR psychiatric service* OR psychiatric worker* OR psychiatry practice OR psychiatry specialist* OR psychiatry professional* OR psychiatry nurse* OR psychiatry counselor* OR psychiatry counseling OR psychiatry counsellor* OR psychiatry counselling OR psychiatry clinic* OR psychiatry hospital* OR psychiatry setting* OR psychiatry institution* OR psychiatry service* OR psychiatry worker* OR mental specialist* OR mental professional* OR mental nurse* OR mental counselor* OR mental counseling OR mental counsellor* OR mental counselling OR mental clinic* OR mental hospital*

OR mental setting* OR mental institution* OR mental service* OR mental worker* OR mental health practice OR mental health specialist* OR mental health professional* OR mental health nurse* OR mental health counselor*

OR mental health counseling OR mental health counsellor* OR mental health counselling OR mental health clinic* OR mental health hospital* OR mental health setting* OR mental health institution* OR mental health service* OR mental health worker*)/ti,ab OR ((counselor* OR counsellor*)/ti,ab AND (Mental Disorders OR Psychiatry)/de) AND

Etape 31

(consensus OR guideline* OR position paper OR recommendation* OR recommandation* OR statement* OR guidance*)/ti

Metaanalyses, Revues systématiques Janv 05

Juil. 15

6 Etape 28 AND Etape 29 AND Etape 30

AND Etape 32

(meta analys* OR metaanalys* OR systematic* review* OR systematic*

overview* OR systematic* search* OR systematic* research*)/ti,ab OR (cochrane database syst rev OR Health Technol Assess)/revue OR Meta Analysis/de

Essais cliniques Janv 05

Juil. 15

46 Etape 28 AND Etape 29 AND Etape 30

AND Etape 33

(random* OR single blind OR double blind OR clinical trial* OR multicenter stud* OR multicentre stud* OR cross over stud* OR comparative stud*)/ti,ab OR (versus)/ti OR (Random Sampling OR Clinical Trials)/de

Etudes de cohortes Janv 05

Juil. 15

1 Etape 28 AND Etape 29 AND Etape 30

AND Etape 34

(cohort* OR follow up stud* OR prospective stud* OR longitudinal stud*)/ti OR (Cohort Analysis)/de

Etudes de pratiques Janv 05

Juil. 15

26 Etape 28 AND Etape 29 AND Etape 30

AND Etape 34

(practices OR pattern* OR trend*)/ti OR (practice* pattern* OR pattern* care OR practice* trend* OR trend* care OR current practice* OR usual practice*

OR regular practice* OR habitual practice*)/ti,ab OR survey*/ti OR Surveys/de OR (regist* OR observator*)/ti OR (project* OR pilot* OR experience* OR experiment*)/ti OR ((psychiatrists OR psychoanalysts OR psycho analysts OR psychologists OR psychotherapists OR psycho therapists OR doctors OR general practitioners OR GP OR GPs OR nurses OR physicians OR professionnals OR specialists) AND (attitude* OR behavior* OR behaviour* OR discourse* OR experience* OR interview* OR narrative* OR stories OR story))/ti

Efficacité Janv 05

Juil. 15

19 Etape 28 AND Etape 29 AND Etape 30

AND Etape 35

(efficient OR efficiency OR efficacy OR effectivness OR effectiveness OR performance OR impact OR effect OR effects OR consequence OR

consequences OR utility OR useful OR usefulness OR outcome)/ti OR (Treatment Outcomes OR Program Evaluation OR Prognosis OR Client Satisfaction)/de

Etudes économiques Janv 05

Juil. 15

6 Etape 28 AND Etape 29 AND Etape 30

AND Etape 36

(economy OR economic OR economics OR economical OR cost OR costs OR costing OR QALY OR finance OR financial OR financing OR spend OR spending OR spent OR burden disease OR expensive OR inexpensive OR price OR prices OR pricing OR reimbursement)/ti OR (Economy OR Health Care Economics OR Economics OR Health Care Costs OR Costs and Cost Analysis OR Social Security)/de

Amélioration de la qualité Janv 05

Juil. 15

12 Etape 28 AND Etape 29 AND Etape 30

AND Etape 37

((guideline* OR guidance* OR recommendation*) AND (adherence OR accreditation OR certification OR audit OR peer review* OR review criteria*

OR reminder* OR implement*))/ti OR (Hospital Accreditation OR

Accreditation (Education Personnel) OR Professional Certification OR Peer Evaluation OR Continuing Education OR Quality Control OR Clinical Audits)/de OR ((quality OR performance OR competence) AND (evaluat*

OR indicator* OR criteria OR criterium OR measur* OR assess* OR improv*

OR standard* OR control* OR management OR quality indicator*))/ti

Autres publications sur la qualité Janv 05

Juil. 15

10 Etape 28 AND Etape 29 AND Etape 30

AND Etape 28 AND Etape 29 AND Etape 30

AND Etape 39

(Professional Liability OR Risk Management OR Safety OR Side Effects (Treatment))/de OR (harm OR miss OR missed OR missing OR precaution*

OR risk)/ti OR (adverse effect* OR adverse event* OR clinical error*)/ti,ab OR (complain* OR complicat* OR complication* OR damage*)/ti OR (delayed management OR delayed assessment OR delayed detection OR delayed diagnosis OR delayed recognition OR delayed therapy OR delayed treatment OR harmful OR late management OR late assessment OR late detection OR late diagnosis OR late recognition OR late therapy OR late treatment OR mal practice* OR malpractice* OR medical error* OR mistak*

OR non assess* OR non detect* OR non diagnos* OR non recognition OR non recogniz* OR non treat* OR nonassess* OR nondetect* OR

nondiagnos* OR nonrecognition OR nonrecogniz* OR nontreat* OR over assess* OR over detect* OR over diagnos* OR over recognition OR over recogniz* OR over treat* OR overassess* OR overdetect* OR overdiagnos*

OR overrecognition OR overrecogniz* OR overtreat*)/ti,ab OR (safe OR safety OR secure OR security)/ti OR (side effect* OR un assess* OR un detect* OR un diagnos* OR un recognition OR un recogniz* OR un treat*

OR unassess* OR under assess* OR under detect* OR under diagnos* OR under recognition OR under recogniz* OR under treat* OR underassess* OR underdetect* OR underdiagnos* OR underrecognition OR underrecogniz*

OR undertreat* OR undesirable event* OR undetect* OR undiagnos* OR unrecognition OR unrecogniz* OR untreat*)/ti,ab OR unsafe/ti OR warning*/ti

Freins Janv 05

Juil. 15

16 Etape 28 AND Etape 29 AND Etape 30

AND Etape 40

(challenge* OR needs OR opportunities OR barrier* OR obstacle* OR difficulty OR difficulties OR prevent* OR resist* OR obstruct* OR inhibit* OR forbid* OR imped* OR prohibit* OR hamper* OR obstruct* OR block*)/ti OR (Health Care Utilization OR Innovation OR Organizational Climate)/de

Type d’étude / Sujet Période

Coopération avec un médecin généraliste pour la prise en charge des troubles