• Aucun résultat trouvé

In order to find the full solution to Equation (8.1), one needs to find the coefficients λkl,n,e of Conjecture 3 for alle 6 k−1. We have not been able to find the higher generating functions He, though the key to deal with higher q-derivatives of Vk seems to be the following relation

qVk+ v

1−q∂vVk+ w

1−q−v(1+w(1−q)) (1−v)(1−q)2

wVk =



(1−q)(1−v)(1+qv)− v(1+v)

(1−q)(1−v)(1+qv) +v2− (g−1)(2−v)v (1−v)(1+qv)

Vk. satisfied byVk. With this, we can hope to find the lower defects of the solution for βkin a similar way to the one used in the proof of Proposition 9.3.1. For the more general classesβk−hγh, already the problem at top-defect seems to be much more complicated, and we have not been able to find any higher-defect solution.

Notice also that the higher-defect part of the solution is notunique, since we can simply multiply the lowest-defect part of the solution fork−1 by uto get a class which vanishes when multiplied by a classPof defectk−2. Eventually, the space of solutions to (8.1) will be anaffinespace of dimensionk.


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