• Aucun résultat trouvé

I. 2 Plan du travail

I. 3.1 Echantillonnage et méthodes de terrain


The results of applying a 7-step sequential extraction to Cu-sulfide mine tailings and the dissolved phases in the different steps of the sequential extractions are summarized in table 3.

The application of dissolution kinetic tests and the control of dissolved phases in sequential extraction by XRD and DXRD from samples of the studied mine tailings indicate which mineral is dissolved in each leach step. This information is crucial for interpretation of geochemical data obtained from sequential extractions.

It has been shawn that the water-soluble fraction (step 1) may play an important role in the mine tailings environments, especially in climates with extensive evaporation (Mediterranean to hyper-arid) by dissolving secondary salts (e.g., bonattite, chalcanthite, pickeringite, hexahydrite).

Chapter 3: Methodology used for sequential extractions

1t is strongly recommended to use the water-soluble fraction as the first step in sequential extractions for mine tailings.

In the NH4-acetate leach (step 2), which liberates the exchangeable fraction (adsorbed), calcite is also dissolved, and a vermiculite-type mixed-layer mineral is broken down as weil.

This mineral is a typical secondary product in the oxidation zone of sulfidic mine tailings, resulting from the alteration of biotite by the release of K; it may liberate Cu and Zn in the NH4-acetate leach, previously replacing K in the original biotite lattice.

The application of the lh, 0.2 M NH4-oxalate, pH 3.0 in darkness leach (step 3) ensures the .complete dissolution of schwertmannite (chapter 3), but secondary jarosite also dissolves in samples from the oxidation zone. However, only secondary ferric minerais dissolve in this leach and minimize the dissolution of other iron phases. The application of one hour is long enough to dissolve 2-line ferrihydrite (chapter 3), but mineralogical and geochemical results indicate that in the mine tailings higher ordered ferrihydrite (5-line or 6-line) are dominant, indicating slow hydrolysis kinetics (Schwertmann et al., 1999). Thus, only parts of higher ordered ferrihydrite in the neutralization and primary zone of sulfide mine tailings will dissolve in the lh 0.2 M NH4-oxalate, pH 3.0, in darkness leach (step 3).

The residual of the secondary ferric minerais (jarosite and higher ordered ferrihydrite) dissolve in the following 0.2M NH4-oxalate, pH 3.0, 80°C, 2h leach (step 4) together with the primary iron oxides. In this leach all secondary and primary ferric oxides, oxyhydroxides, and oxyhydroxide sulfates are dissolved. Only sorne hypogene magnetite may survive this leach.

Chao and Sanzolone (1977) have shown that oxalic acid is not effective in dissolving sulfide minerais, as is confirmed by the dissolution kinetic tests. Thus, the 0.2M NH4-oxalate, pH 3.0, 80°C, 2h leach (step 4) is proposed for differentiation of sulfate and sulfide sulfur for acid-base accounting (ABA) for mine waste. The total sulfur content of a sample can be measured by a LECO® furnace. Then the sample is attacked by the 0.2M NH4-oxalate, pH 3.0, 80°C, 2h leach and the sulfur content may be measured by ICP-AES in the solution representing the sulfate content of the sample. The difference of the total sulfur and the sulfate sulfur leads to the sulfide sulfur content.

The two applied leaches for the sulfide fractions (35% H202 in step 5 and HCl, HF, HCl04, HN03, in step 6) permit a semi-quantitative differentiation between hypogene and supergene Cu-sulfides in the studied tailings. However, further studies of the dissolution kinetics of supergene and hypogene Cu-sulfides in 35% H202 could enhance the selectivity of this leach. A detailed mineralogical study should accompany every geochemical study of mine waste to enhance the accuracy of the geochernical interpretations.

Chapt er 3: Methodology used for sequential extractions

Table 3: Extraction sequence "8" app/ied in this study and minerais preferentially dissolved in each step (abbreviations: bn: bomite; ca: calcite; cb: cinnabar; cc: chalcocite; cp: chalcopyrite; cv: cave/lite; dg: digenite;

j71.· ferrihydrite);gn: ga/ena; gt: goetlzite; gy: gypsum; lzm: hematite; ilm: ilmenite; jt: jarosite; mb: molybdenite; mt:

magnetite; Na-jt: natrojarosite; op: orpiment; py: pyrite; sh: sclzwertmannite; si: sphalerite; stb: stibnite tn:

tennalltite; tt: tetrahedrite).

Leach Preferentially dissolved References


( 1) Water soluble fraction secondary sulfates, e.g., Dold, this study; Ribet et al., 1.0 g samp1e into 50ml deionizied bonattite, chalcanthite, gy, 1995; Fanfani et al., 1997 H20 shake for 1 h. pickeringite, magnesioauberite

(2) exchangeable fraction ca, vermicu1ite-type-mixed- Do1d, this study; Gatehouse et 1 M NH4-acetate pH 4.5 shake for 2 layer, adsorbed and al., 1977; Sondag, 1981;

hrs exchangeable ions Cardoso Fonseca et al., 1986

(3) Fe(III) oxyhydroxides sh, 2-line fh, secondary jt, Mn02 Schwertmann, 1964; Stone,

0.2 M NH4-oxalate pH 3.0 shake 1987; Dold, chapter 4

for 1 h. in darkness

(4) Fe(III)oxides gt, jt, Na-jt, hm, mt, higher Dold, this study.

0.2 M NH4-oxalate pH 3.0 heat in ordered fh's (6-line fh) water bath 80°C for 2 hours

(5) organic and secondary Cu- organic, cv, cc-dg Sondag, 1981; Dold, chapter 5 sul fides

35% H202 heat in water bath for 1 hour

(6) primary sulfides py, cp, bn, si, gn, mb, tn-tt, cb, Chao & Sanzolone, 1977;

Combination of KCI03 and HCI, op, stb Hall et al., 1996

followed by 4 M HN03 boiling

(7) residual Silicates, residual Hall et al., 1996; Dold et al.,

HN03, HF, HCl04, HCl digestion 1996


1 am grateful to Prof. L. Fontboté and Prof. W. Wildi for the support and the helpful suggestions. 1 thank also Prof. H.-R. Pfeiffer, J.-C. Lavanchy, and C. Schlegel for the facilities and discussions in the laboratory of the Centre d'Analyse Minerale, Université de Lausanne.

Thanks to Dr. Dubois from Soil Science lnstitute of the EPFL, Lausanne for the ICP analysis.

The project is supported by the German Academie Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Swiss National Science Foundation project No. 21-50778.97.

Chapt er 3: Methodology used for sequential extractions


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Clzapter 3: Methodology used for sequential extractions

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4 Dissolution kinetics of schwertmannite and ferrihydrite.


A dissolution test with nine natural and synthetic schwertmannite and ferrihydrite samples was performed with 0.2M ammonium oxalate at pH 3.0 under exclusion of light (dark). Four natural and one synthetic schwertmannite samples and two natural and one synthetic samples of 2-line ferrihydrite, as well as one synthetic 6-line ferrihydrite were used. An additional sample was prepared by mixing schwertmannite and 2-line ferrihydrite 1:1 weight. Samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and differentiai X-ray diffraction (DXRD). Dissolved Fe and S04 was measured by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES). The mineral shape at different dissolution stages was monitored by scanning electron microscopy (SEM-EDS). The dissolution-time curves were modeled with rate equations.

Dissolution kinetics of natural and synthetic schwertmannite in 0.2 M ammonium oxalate, pH 3, dark, is very fast (> 94% in 60 min). Natural 2-line ferrihydrite has a similar dissolution kinetics (> 85% after 60 min), whereas synthetic ferrihydrite dissolves slower (16 and 42% after 60 min).

Modeling of schwertmannite dissolution curves, control of mineral shape by SEM, and Fe/S mole ratios of the dissolved fractions indicate that two different schwertmannite shapes (spherical and web-like) with different dissolution kinetics can be distinguished. The collapse of the spherical shaped (sea-urchin) schwertmannite aggregates seems to control its dissolution kinetics. In case of web-like schwertmannite, structural fixed S042- may have a predominant effect on the stability of the structure. No relationship was found between ferrihydrite shape and dissolution curves.

The results suggest that a selective leach for the ferric oxyhydroxides schwertmannite and lower ordered (2-line) ferrihydrite should be dissolution with 0.2 M ammonium oxalate pH 3, dark, during 60 min. These conditions maximize dissolution of schwertmannite and 2-line ferrihydrite, while minimizing the dissolution of other reducible phases like jarosite, hematite, magnetite, and goethite. Nevertheless, application of this attack to samples from the oxidation zone of sulfidic mine tailings has shown that a fraction of secondary jarosite dissolves too, although at a slower rate than schwertmannite and lower ordered ferrihydrite. If only schwertmannite is of interest (e.g., determination by DXRD), a 15 min attack should be preferred to increase selectivity.