• Aucun résultat trouvé

Page 58··

housing unit. In the ease of units whioh are partly rent9d. Blld pa1't],y ocoupied it Illay be neoessary to impute the rent for the owner-oooupied portion.

180. It would be desirable to require an indication of whether the living quarters oovered by the rent are furnished or unfurnish9d. and whether utilities suoh as gas, eleotrioity, heating, water rates, etcetera, are included. In countries where rent for the housing unit is paid separately from rent for the land upon which it stands, separate informa.tion may need to be oolleoted on the amount of ground rent paid.

Topio 20. Bathing facilities

181. Information should be obtained on whether or not there is a f~ed bath or shower installation within the premises of each housing unit.

Additional information may be collected to show whether or not the facilities are for the excLuaave uss of the occupants of the living quarters. In some areas the distinction proposed above may not be the most appropriate for national needs. It may be important, for example,

to distinguish between availability of a separate room for bathing (a) in the building (b) in the living quarters, (c) no faoilities.

182. For housing un·i ts occupied by more than a certain number of house-holds (more than two, for example) and for living quarters other than housing units, particularly those of the hotel/boarding-house type, it may be useful to gather information on the number of :f'~ed baths or showers available to the occupants. Such living quarters are usually equipped with multi-facilities for the use of large groups and informa-. tion on the number of fixed baths or showers in relation to the number

of occupants would be significant in analysing housing conditions.

Topic 21. Year or period of construction of the liVing quarters 18~. This topic refers to the age of the liVing quarters, as derived from a query on the number cf years sinoe the living quarters were constructed. The classification might show the age of the unit as:



CN .14/ CAS.5/ CPH/l0 Page 59

under 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5-9, 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50 years and over, or some less extended grouping. Where major reconstruction has taken place, the 1ivillg quarters should be regarded as a new construotion as of the year of this major construction.

184. If so desired, the exact year might be recorded up to under

10 years (if this corresponds with the interval between censuses) since this would be a convenient method of obtainillg data on annual construo-tions, whioh data are unavailable in a number of oountries. Moreover, the prooedure would serve as a means of more closely integrating the housing oensus with ourrent houeing statistios.

185. Where parts of living quarters have been constructed at different times, the year or period of construction should refer to the major part •

E/GN.14/CAS.5/CJU'lO Page 60



A. Scope and objective of tabulations

186. As countries have come to r€>l;y inicreccsL_ol;y on national planning as a means of pr-oraoti.ng and guiding eccncmi.c and sooial development,

the need for factual information on which to base the neoesBar.1 programmes has beoome universally recognized. Resou.rces are scaroe, honever,

and statistical in~uiries costly. It has th~refore beoome neoessary to weiGh eaoh tabulation pruposed for inclusion in the oensus in terms of its ultimate oust and its utility for planning purposes and to restrict the number of topics to a bare but siGnificant minimum for ,;reater eoonomy .snd efficieno;y. Consequently, these z-ecounnendata one represent the seleotion of basic tabulations that would yield the [lata required most urgentl;y fur hcus Lng prct,rallMfls.

187. The census t"bulations outl rne d below c:.re ciivicied into "Recommended"

and "Other us efuI " tabui at Lona , The Re couraeni.e d 'tabuLa'ti.on a eml'loy only the Recommen..ed topics and constitute the body of sta.tisticd.1 data which it is considered each countr;>- would re",ard as necessary.

The Other useful tabuLrti ons smj.Loy the Uther useful top1csl the;}' are also consil.<'J.:'cd to be of value and ii.nlJOrtd.L1Ce~ but they are

aouevha't mer-e u.i:Lfioult to L,ve~ti;;;ate dnd/or of less genera.I interest thdll the Recommerr..ed tabulations. In practice, those countries which have investie,atGd one or i,lGre of the Other useful topics would no dcubt cross-classify the data obtained lIi th o.at a on some of the Recommended tOfics. As such croes-olassifici',tlons would depend on the preferences a1d needs of individual countries, the tabulations (numbers 18 to 22 below) of Other useful topics are outlined in the simplest form, De~ely to give an idea of suitable specifications.

188. The tabulations are listed in la~~raph 195 below, following uhich there is a Lcetailed descri"tion of the s"ecificati.ons for each table and a state"lGnt of the principal uses of the data. Sketch

illustrations are incluu.ed to clarify the required attribute classifica~


E/G~.14/CAS.5/CPH(10 i'age 61


The tabulat~oDs set fortn constitute a modest programme; many other worthwhile and p~acticable tabulations can be included in the census programme of any country .,i th sufficj.enJ; resources to undertake a more ambitious tabulation scheme. Such other tabulations could further utili"e informaticr. on the recommended or other useful topics or could introduce Lnf'orma't.f.on on add.i.tional topics of signifioanoe in the oountry concerned.


The feasibility of preparing more detailed or additional tabulations will depend to a considerable extent extent on the method of data

processing utilized. Tee application of electronic data processing

m~,es possible the more rapid preparation of tabulations and the inclusion of a gr"ater amcunt of det a.iL


thin each tabulation than can be accomplished by the older methods of processing.


The tabulation8 herein recommended are appropriate as final tabulations. The extent to which advance provisional tabulations of the same subject matter are prepared depends On the rapidity with which the processing can. be accomplished and the urgency of the need for the data.

192. The specifications for the tabulations include, inter alia, a geographic classifioation. This is intended tc be a b·uide to the types of civil divisions of each country for which the information

provided by the t~bul~iions is benerally nee6ed~ appropriate urban and rural classification is also indicated.


Countries 1/ill unCcoubtedly wish to prepare at least some of the tabulations for additio~al areas, such as smaller civil div~;ions

than are indicated, or economic rc~ions. The areas for which it is feasible to show information will be affected by whether sampling was used either in the collection of the information or in the tabulation stage.


The tabulations desoribed below arc in no senSe presented as models of completed tables. The purpose here is to present a view of the subject-matter elements Qesired ~s the 8nd-products. In the yresentation of results, various elements may be combined as yarts of a single tabUlation, according to the needs of eacb country, so lon~ as the indioated categories and

orose-classifications are Clada 2.vailable~

E/CN .14/CAS.S/CIH/10 Page 62

B. List of tabulations

195. The following is the list of Recommended and Other usefUL tabulations for housing censuses in the region.








Living quarters and persons in living quarters, by type of build.ing.

Build.ings containing or comprising housing units, by number of housing units cross-classified by number of bu.i Ldf.nga ,

Number of vaoant permanent and semi-pennanent housing unit s ,

Living quarters, households, family nuclei and persons in households, by type of living quarters.

Households and persons in households, by type of liVing quarters cross-classified by age, sex and ethnic group1f of head of household.

Households and persons in hcuseholds, by type of liVing quarters cross-olassified by type of aotivity, industry, sex and ethnio grouP!/of head of household.


If citizenship, rather than ethnic group, was invest~gated in the census, it should be substituted in this tabulaticn.

E/CN.l4/CAS.5/CPH/lO Page 63

Tabulation number







Households and persons in householas, by t;Yve of living ~uarters oross-classified by tJpe of activity, occupation and sex of head of household.

Permanent and semi-permanent housing units, by number of rooms cross-classified by number of occupants per housing unit.

Households in permanent and semi-permanent housing units, by number of households per unit.

Compounds by number of hcuseholds cross-classified by number of family nuclei and ethnic group!lof head of


Compounds by number of households, family nuclei, persons and housing units cress-classified by ethnic group1!of head of compound.

Living ~uarters, households and persons in living quar-te rs , bJ type of living quarters cross-olassified by water supply system.

Occupied pecman ent and semi-permanent housing units and numbe~ of OCCUPW1ts, by availability of a room reserved for cookinge

Occupied pe~manent and semi-permanent housing units and number of occu~ants, by type of tcilet facility •


If citizensicip, rather than ethnic 6rouP, nas investigated in the census, it should be substituted in this tabulation.

E/CN .14/CAS.5/CI H/lO l'age 64

Tabulation number

Oocupied jJermanent and semi-permanent hou s i.ng units and number of occupants, by tope of liGhtinC'

Permanent and semi-permanent housing units, by t.)10"

of construction material,





Households and persons in yermanent and semi-permanent housing umts , by tenure)/


Buildings by number of floors and by ty~e of bUildL,g,g}

HousehOlds by length of oCcu:ancy in ~resent livlll~


Permanent and semi-permanent housing units, by the amount of lr~nthl;yrent !laid f'oa- the housinG unit, Occupied ~e~manent and semi-permanent housing units"

households 2nd persons in the housi.ng units, by availability of b~thing facilities.

22. Permanent

or period

ar.d eemd c-pe rman an-t . 2 . of construct~on"~

housing' units, by yea~


This topio is considered of baSic importance at least in urban areas.


These topics are considered of'


i.nteres·t in urban ar-sas ,


~u ~1.u.a,CT 11TiII« "uarl.!'Il (0 SUit. pr1JIc1p&1100.11\7

V!'...I'U'al &rllCIII14.D&41a':LDcu1111l.&4fol' (a)

2a M1ll oOllb1D1rw1ft' CGDJri.lllC hOll&1. . lIII1


ot hoIuI11l1uait.~

01. .a111",Illif_bonof bai1U....

!llI1141 .... u&64"oll7 "'parUJ'tOl' ,..aUaDUalJlUpO. .a&D411T1DC

"uu\al'. 01t.II&c.a410 lN114illp

lUi14u,. aH4 .0117 01' p&M17 t_,...1dalrt:lalf'Il'PO&.'and ilowIiq 1I.Ua dt.u.'.... 10.buildioca

hnou iD .L1&1.1lC,,\&&r\&,..

.Uuah4 111 lIuld.lllp

2. c;..

~=::aJ.~~::':0:n::~:::.~:;~:r=:-aoa.a11l1UDit01' to_1.l>cWI.1'••OM tadldllll 0_,,1. . .i "

wi""011&h_ue l1li11,011&l1li1141..-ooat&1ll1Dl011&

It._ll1S IIIlit pl\l&_N.U.DUal.p.o., 00 lull411l1 ooa.ta1D1llC DO:re tbaol OlIO bOWl!1lI 1IIL1'.011.&buU41.l>c Iloohoi.a.l... o!' oo.pr1&l... l1T1J1&'1l1.&1'tar. otllft'\hu, hOl&&l", lUIit. 00oup1&4Q'1I_.ho1d., 1Iu11diq. to!' Par.ODD 1101: llrtq 1. 1l_lt.o14••

:lllabar Il! ht>U!1¥ uu, .. 1, 2, J, 4, ;-9, 10-1',20-29.

JO an4CW.!'I DOt..t.ted..

!u!b!r ot'by.Ucl~1 81*. tadldiD1•• 4i.U...,.&lIlAc f1lll1'-:reIl1...D'~.... !*ri-,..IlU..Ual, pou"" ot build-1.... _prill." of2. J.4, 5+1D.11d.1Dp1 aot , ••tad. lPor 41&tlllotlol1bat".11


bulldlll,p aa:l pou,'of bulJ.diDp, . . . pa.rapapll.. 10J.&.nilJ.04,.

4. Lh1.. . " ...n. hoIuI.ho1da. fMil7 ..uld Ul4 .1.11 liT1. . 'lUJ'hn p"raou 111 hOllMllo14" . . t7P" of liT1ac"uut..I"

J. ....ba!' of'I'aO...t. , ._ _.t.and...a1.pe~o.t

1t._1Dc 1III:I.ta hnaMDt. &B4 ••Ill-,,"""IIt. lunUl1Dc aDih Taoallt. a1til.t.~of tll.& 0...

'bnof 1lcu1l!l1lp1'1 r.~II'aIIlI._l-p"~o."h _ iBcWl1b. H~\&1I'.

lIou...hold& ... :1'.-117 1IIlC1&1'Prpt oflirtMg!lf!'h.. al hJ'llU&ot. h_1ac v.aital a.a1-aa4 p n _ Hrtac 111 P"n&llIIollt.it ...l ... _1t..1 &(11111.It._~Wl1'.1 iapJOOrtHcI la_hold, 1t._1rw lIa1tDl !lowIillC Wl1\&\1JI" , _ 0 1 o.

"a1-pen.c;aellt. 1IU114iDp) DOt. 1.bllll.M f'o!' habUatio.. Ot.H!' P " . u••DO' illte04&4. for1t..~1t..UODIhoh1••rooa1~

~= ~::::I'.~~::-~O:-:t~:~:~~~~~llIIls:=::~.

01.... f'or 1t._1". "r..,y).

5. B_Il.oM8'" ..rsOlUl 111 b_.boU., 'lrt.7PI' of li&1..llC 4uart.n _ _l . .Ut1&4. IV'1IlP', NJl,NlI1 .1hab P'OUP1/ of 11.&&4 of It...-hold

1. ~d&&IIlI.parllO... ill 1uNae1lo14., 11:7'7P&

ot l1YiD1 '1uaz1;.r. oN._l".1n 11:7t.;,rpaof aoU&1.'7, oocrupaU_ II.DlI. 'N ot b oth~


L1nllC 4 _ " . " OOOllpi."'b71*1'11_1.11 b_.lt.olb

.l4.TiJlc,uart;.ra _p1&4 ",. "'!'.Oll& 111 1I_h01lla

lIo.r.or II.&KI J&al•• h-J. ••

flbpio C!'O!1JlI To'"4&1.nUaad &COordtlll '0 looal 1II&ol11.

'f:rpt of U n . ClUE1.t"' &II111 'I"1IIlJ.'1.101l 4

'Prpt of . .t.1rtb, 1Io01ll*10al17 aoU"'1 1101..00~oalJ.7 aoU"'1 BOt .,.., .

lDdutm J.ta.ROI.1 01'oollT."11ll. 10t.ll.oll&-1U.Pt fI'OIIJI&. oft uh t. .t !'.n&1911 ot t.Il.&h i t " "11011

t':2itlopal811:!'ff Iplut'1'itl Cl. . .1flo,Uo. of all o e J.taUrtU. ISle).

hllllJO IEOIlI!I '1'0" "'.J:DiD&4aoooft1~to 100&1 ...

.!!I' k l . . f'.a&1 ••

'hI!!or linNgug1.t£!1 £IIill hbuloUOII 4

!zp! ot !:!II121l1 1100110.&10.11". ao11"1 11.01 .00Wla1.o&117

aou",IIoOt .t.,....

~ l &ooortllll1 or oo.'WUbl.to tll.& oa.-41.pt POUPII of t ... lataat. :reTi.1oafdtboIp1.~U!!!!l fty4y4C1MI1110.UOIIof9d<IUeUoea(11).

!!13' 1Ial., f.Ml ••

8. h1s&IlIollt.; aII4 H a 1 - p a _ tbo\I.aia,s-.1h, Ilr OoO\1,i ...panaJl&Dtad.&P1-pel'Mll&ll.t I'n.oJll i . . ._ _.tUId . . _ . . - of~...01. . .111&.. '" _b&!' ot ...1 . .11&1".Hpu'.ta17 ••.t.panp....I l . - . l q

OOOllPMt. pal' bou1. . lUIit



_ _hold.ill.pal'UM1It.&114 . ..t-,...-a.t Oooa.,I... ""...lIt . . . .t ...a.t 1_.It.D1d11 111 P"...1It 1t.00001ncIIIlita,117_bio..of hOl.1&&.IIo1d. p.r ...lnc wu.t., "'pQ'&1.17 &IlII H-.t.Pan&ll&lIt

1Iou&1"I:WIl1 IIOU1.&C11111t.

10. CollpOUllll.a ..,.


of """'. .ol4a oro . . . 0... lou.Nholda&D4t&.&ll7 ..1. . .1ft... . ,


off"U", _1&:1.&DIll _ l . i linlll i . ooapov.ll4a

• tll.a1o pou.J111of . .&4ofo ~

>1. C~IIiJ_borot~014•• t_t1¥ COIIpOUIId..&D4lIoa.a1JlC1Ia1• • •It..rei. a ...&l!Io.I.4•• t_l!¥_J..i,

_1.1, pal''''a.aaM1t._1JIc 1Ul1t..1lI~ MIll pal'ao_ 1. oollpOUllclll

ol. .&1t1"Q'.u.a.10~11of1I....ot

.-12. 1.1'1'1.4~. ~hol'"AId.Par&Ollll 111 OoOUp1" J.i&1....,!lana- 1_.boJ.d.an4pe"'o",

li&1aC4ua.rtor-. 'lrt7Pl' of 1:1'101.111,1I&I't.1'1I 111 l1rtac

,_tar-• _ J . . . .1.rt... Q . .tft "'011' .,at••

Litho UNBCA 06'_335

!laabtl' of POOMI 1, 2, J, ••• 1:1.II,J.O ...OY&:r

!l!!I>.l O'fooaupat""" 1, 2.a, •••II, 51. 10 AId.OTU'

_bar or!l!!ll!!.o14tt l,:t. J •••!:i&ad.OY&..

!!l!b'"fdtae1.bMldl 0, 1,2. l, 4, 5 Ul4 ...

nlul10 fNll,p or!l . .1 01' OS!!'QC'!Y!!I '1'0 "" 4et.J:Di1l&ll.

llO.ori1rw10 100&.1. ...

'frpt of11.1.9...ral . . 111 '1'.bIIlat.1011 4. lUddillC 01••• tor~1'",.,..,0)•

v., fUpl'Iftt... (.)Llnac'1u.rl&o!'."uaJi...

. ., 111&ib, 10'l1Y1JlC ... 1I1t11 pip&d. -.t ..

Nt.ida (bolda 'H .ppl'Q:ll:i_ta 4hta.no., 111, _tna, tN.thel1rtqQ.\I&:I'1.tn" (0) linD« '1l1U1n. W1'IltIIl.' 1I1p"d wahl" ld) &O\IJ'OO of .atar _111117 (oo-.1t,..wt4o

&p, . . .'&Ilk.wU, .t:re. .).






0: 0





f :.~










.. ...


_ ... <t


· .

• •

.. -- .



- ...




8!:. ...









~• E





Use of the tabulations

Tabulation 1. Living quarters and persons in living quarters, by t~pe of bUilding

• 197.

This tabulation and the one which follows provide complementary data on the stock of bUildings in which living quarters are located and the population resident there~ Tabulation I covers all buildings in which any space is used for residential purposes, all living quarters in buildings and all persons living in buildings; it therefore exoludes living quarters (such as tents, boats, caves) whioh are not in buildings, and homeless ~ersons. If it is cesired to account for the total population and all liVing quarters in this tabulation, s~ecial categories should be prOVided to show the number of housing units not in buildings, the

number of OCCUP~1ts of such housing units, and the number of homeless persons.


The tabulation is a straightforward count of the number of hOUSUlg units and liVing quarters other than housing units in eaoh specified type of bUilding, together with the number of persons in each specified type of bUilding. The classification of buildings by type is designed to reflect the broad relation.hip between living quarters and buildings.

Because of the importance in the region of housing units which consist of more than one bUilding, and of bUildings with large numbers of

housing units, ana because the extent of such fragmentation is unknown, it is necessary to attempt to measure it. statistical evidence of this kind would have important implications for housing policy since it would presumably be an object of housing pQlicy that a housing unit

should ideally have its various facilities under one roof. The tabulation would provide bench-marh: data WEich would in the future permit an

analysis of the improvement over time in this aspect of housing conditioni.



E/CN.14/~AS.5/CP}~/IO Page 68

199. If, in the census, data were collected on the materials of construction of the building (as opposed to materials of the living quarters), it would be desirable that Tabulation I should include a classification of bUildings of each type by materials of construction;

however, as it has been recommended that in this region the informa-tion on materials of construcinforma-tion be collected for the hcusing unit, the data will prcbably be shewn in the form suggested in Tabulation 16 below.


.. .Illustration 1. Living quarters and ve200ns in living 1.uarters, by tYve of builQing

.-Geo£I°3._l1ic di vision


ancl Livinb ._ua.rters other

ty i.e of building Total Housing units than housing unltS No. Persons No. Persons No. Persons Buildinbs for persons living

in households • • • • • • • • • • • • •q • • •

One of &eV8Hl.1 bui.Ld.in.,«

which together conpri ee a hcuc i.ng unit or housing

uni t c



One building co-extensive with uhe housin., unit


One building c cn t.a.i.nan., one

housin~ unit plue

non-resio_ential svace




One bui Ld.Lng cont aan ins, j,Jl0re

th2.l1 o.re housing unit

... ..


One bui.Ldarrg containinG or

com~),'w.'isingliving qUB..l"'t·.;rs ot hc c than housing units

o ccun ed b;/ households




, I

Buil6L1:'S for .i!el:sons n0t living in hc.ue eno Lda




(a) total locality.

country, (0) each rnaj oz- and minor civil division, Distinguish urban and rural for (a).

(c) each principal


<'age 70

Tabuldtion 2. Buil<iines oontaJ.ning OI' GO",prising h"using units, by number of hOusing units cross-classified ~y nuwber of buildings .. 200. Thou"h the t abur ati on is a striotly physical one, it is intended to

amplify the data of TabuL.tion I by. i',Iving a 'o.ete.iled picture of the fragmentation of buildings into housing units and of housing units into buildings. It 1:ill be Seen that the first four t;)".es in the classification of bUildings by ty~e in Tabulation I are identifiable in Tabulation 2

and can be related to the number of persons shc'm in Tabulation I as living in each of these ty~es 'of building.

201. The distinction between sini:11e buildings which are fully-residential and those which are 1.art-resiQential can be made from the identification, on the questionnaire, of buildings by ty~e. If, however, it is deSired to extend this <iistinction to groups of buil<iings, it would be neoessary to add a specific inquiry in the cen sua .on the existence of

non-residential space within such buildings.

202. The tabulation excludes builuings in which there are no housing units. Buildinbs in which there is a oombinaticn of housing units and living qu ...rtcrs other than hous i.nj, units, are included, but in view of the relatively small nUmbers involved, all that is required is an Lnd.icz.t i.on c-f the total numbers of hous i.ng uni ts involved, as ahown in the Laat two columns cf the' table.'

203. If it iii ".osired to e;i ve s,eecial attention to buildings "hlCh

203. If it iii ".osired to e;i ve s,eecial attention to buildings "hlCh

Documents relatifs