• Aucun résultat trouvé

Andere uitheemse soorten

4 Informatie per soort

4.5 Andere uitheemse soorten

De afgelopen decennia is een groot aantal uitheemse soorten, die op geen enkele wijze ons land op eigen kracht hadden kunnen bereiken, in het vrije veld genoteerd. Vooral tijdens de maandelijkse watervogeltellingen in het winterhalfjaar leveren vaak divers palet aan watervogelsoorten op. De oorsprong hiervan is vrijwel zeker ontsnapping of vrijlating. In collecties watervogels wordt een groot aantal uitheemse watervogelsoorten gehouden; van flamingo, via zwaan, gans en eend tot zaagbek. Zie voor een overzicht Van der Laar et al. (1994) en bijvoorbeeld (het aanbod op) www.aviornis.nl. Daarnaast ontsnapt met regelmatig een veelheid aan kooi- of volièrevogels. Deze soorten behoren vooral tot de zaadeters (duiven, papegaaien, parkieten, wevers, vinkachtigen, etc.). Ook voor soortgroepen anders dan watervogels zijn verschillende grote verenigingen. Hun websites geeft een goed beeld van soorten die worden gehouden, soorten die ‘hot’ zijn en soorten waar veel vraag naar is. Een fors aantal soorten komt in gevangenschap tot reproductie. Nakomelingen hiervan mogen, mist voorzien van de juiste papieren en een

y = 1E-204e0,2366x R2 = 0,6589 1

10 100 1000

1990 1995 2000 2005 2010


Moscovy duck

Cairina moschata f. domesticus

ring, van eigenaar verwisselen. We zullen nog menig exotische soort in het lage land met traag stromende rivieren tegen kunnen komen.

5 Summary

Non-native species in the Dutch avifauna: a story about increase and expansion

In this paper the population dynamics of non-indigenous species in the breeding bird avifauna of the Netherlands are described. Detailed information about exotic or foreign species can be found separately in a more extensive report on www.buwa.nl. Four categories of non-indigenous species are distinguished:

• invasive alien species: successful breeding species, which are increasing and spreading;

• other alien species with (successful) breeding attempt(s), but not increasing nor spreading, ic. non-invasive;

• introduced native geese and ducks: native as migrant and wintering species, but breeding not natural;

• feral species: species successfully breeding in the wild, of which some species are increasing and spreading.

Presently 19 invasive species are recognized, of which 17 are breeding annually in the Netherlands. Two flamingo species are breeding just at the Dutch-German border in Germany (table 3.1). Among these 19 species most have increased with more than 10%

per annum over the past decades. In the most recent decade rates of increase have slowed down for most species (Fig. 3.1). Since the first invasive species were noticed in the1960’s, the number of species involved has risen (Fig. 3.2). Since all species involved are resident, censuses among breeding and non-breeding birds give similar results (Table 3.1, 3.2, Fig. 3.3).

The list of other non-indigenous species is quite long, with more than 20 species having made at least one breeding attempt in recent years (Tab 3.3, Fig. 3.5). The number of species involved is increasing per decade.

In de past 30 years some species, known as native winter visitors, started to breed in the Netherlands. The first was Barnacle Goose Branta leucopsis, followed by White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons. The first species is considered to have escaped from waterfowl collections, the second were released as former decoy birds. In recent years a few more species have followed (Tab. 3.4, Fig. 3.6).

Among domesticated species more species have been released or have escaped (Table 3.5, Fig. 3.7). A few decades ago only three species were predominant: feral pigeon Columba livia domestica, feral duck Anas platyrhinchos and Mute Swan Cygnus olor.

An increase was noticed mainly among domesticated waterfowl.

The increasing and expanding species share certain features: they are originally resident species, and mainly herbivorous (Fig. 3.8). Piscivore or granivore feeding habits are less shared characteristics, but in some cases species with such habits are successful. Migrant

The successful species are common in the bird trade and hence well-represented in collections from which they can escape. In the near future more species can be expected to become successful newcomers; especially resident species who feed on grassland are good candidates for future success as breeding birds in the wild. The climate change (Fig.

3.9) might help invasive species with a (sub)tropical origin.

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